Anxiety Disorder Test: A Self-Assessment Quiz

Determine if you may be experiencing symptoms of anxiety with this brief 7 question survey. Select the choice that best describes how often you experience the given prompt. Answer each question as truthfully as possible, keeping in mind that this quiz is not meant for diagnosis but instead aims to help you identify potential signs of anxiety. If you wish to explore your results further, get in touch with us. We will carry out a comprehensive assessment to develop a tailored treatment plan that addresses your specific symptoms and accommodates your individual needs and goals.


Generalized Anxiety Disorder Quiz



1 / 7

Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge.

2 / 7

Not being able to stop or control worrying

3 / 7

Worrying too much about different things

4 / 7

Trouble relaxing

5 / 7

Being so restless that it is hard to sit still

6 / 7

Becoming easily annoyed or irritable

7 / 7

Feeling afraid as if something awful might happen

Your score is


What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a mental health condition that causes persistent and intrusive fears and worries. Your worries are typically disproportionate to the situation and can interfere with your ability to complete day-to-day responsibilities and overall quality of life. There are several different types of anxiety disorders. Generalized anxiety disorder is the most common type of anxiety. It triggers anxiety about everyday responsibilities and situations. For example, you might worry about interacting with your manager or colleagues at work, or you might feel nervous about taking your car in for an oil change. Other common types of anxiety include: Panic disorder, Social anxiety, Separation anxiety, Specific phobias. If you have pervasive anxious thoughts or feelings, make an appointment at Bespoke Treatment. They can help you alleviate your symptoms and restore your quality of life.

Ketamine Infusions For Anxiety

Ketamine infusions are another option for anxiety treatment for those who have not responded to traditional evidence-based talk therapy methods. Ketamine infusions are not yet FDA-approved for anxiety, but the research is very promising. While much of the newer research on Ketamine has been looking at depression, there have been studies that have examined the effectiveness of Ketamine for anxiety. For instance, Glue et al. (2017) examined the dose-response relationship of Ketamine in 12 individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and found that 10/12 of those individuals experienced a significant reduction of symptoms after Ketamine within just one hour. Taylor et al. (2017) also conducted a randomized controlled trial to look at Ketamine specifically for social anxiety disorder. He found that Ketamine performed significantly better than placebo, with the anxiolytic effects lasting for at least 2 weeks post-treatment.

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